Backpack Drawing

During this summer, we read Finding Someplace by Denise Lewis Patrick. The main character, Reesie Boone, was in the middle of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. She had to stuff whatever she could in her backpack. I am making a list of what I would put in my bag if I were in her position.

I will put my wallet, phone, and passport in my bag. These would be necessary for getting out of New Orleans. Also, if I wanted to head to Zanzibar for a month, I could do it. Getting a new passport would be a pain so I don’t want to waste my time.

I would also put a lighter and some matches for light. I probably will bring a charger if my phone died so I could call my parents. I will bring my iPad and laptop because I like playing video games. Then I would bring a Swiss Army Knife. That way, I could fight if someone tries to mug me.

I would also bring some chips, chocolate and water & a First Aid Kit. I would bring a life jacket and a power bank. I would bring my Ledger that holds my crypto so I could pay for things. I would bring a solar flashlight so I can make sure that I can see. I think that I would be able to survive off of this for a few weeks. This is what I would bring if I was in Hurricane Katrina.

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